
Update Server (Security, OS, and Packages)


The following commands require super user access.  If you're not currently logged in as root, you may need to run the following command:

$ sudo su


To update the server, including security updates:

# apt-get update


To upgrade installed packages to the latest version:

# apt-get upgrade


During this upgrade process, you may see that some packages are not upgraded.  These packages are part of the Linux distribution, and are upgraded separately:

# apt-get dist-upgrade


After you run these commands, you can free up disk space by deleting old packages with these two commands:

# apt-get autoremove

# apt-get autoclean


If you want to upgrade your version of Ubuntu/Debian to the latest generally available release, you can do so with the following command:

# do-release-upgrade


After updating the server, a reboot may be necessary for the changes to take effect:

# reboot